Memorial Day Sale!

There are two groups or occupations that I've come to learn are drawn to comics more-so than others. Those groups are professional wrestlers / fans of wrestling, and people in the armed forces. I'm sure this is a chicken or the egg type of thing, as both of these groups of people grew up reading comics, wanting to be the characters they saw on the page, and either chose the more flashy "Iron Man" route of the professional wrestler, or the "Captain America" route of the humble soldier.

Certainly not all soldiers or wrestlers are comic book nuts, but as far as my experience goes, we buy more collections from former soldiers than any other occupation. Hardly a week goes by where we don't meet a former soldier or police officer that has decided to part with their books. These people are special people, much like the characters many of them love, soldiers sacrifice themselves for the betterment of us all. It's a real-life heroic act, and something we're passionate about appreciating here at ACC.

There were several decades where "war" comics dominated the newsstands showcasing phenomenal art by the likes of the great Joe Kubert, and depicting scenes of heroism in the face of danger. It's somewhat hard to believe, but the scenes depicted in these comics pale in comparison to the real world dangers our soldiers face on a daily basis.

How do you thank that type of sacrifice? There's obviously nothing tangible that you or I can do to thank those that lay their lives on the line in the defense of a greater ideal that would even come close to what they've done for us. 

The amazing thing is that as praise-worthy as it is to be a soldier, to protect people, you'll never see a soldier asking for praise. You've never seen a man or woman that has just saved 5 other soldiers in the line of duty doing the talk show rounds, or getting endorsement deals. No, they ask for nothing in return, and everytime I can remember personally thanking a soldier for their service, I always get the same response, "just doing my job." 

I've always looked at Memorial Day weekend as a time of fun, food, and family. But for so many families it's a reminder that unfortunately they have someone to "memorial". So this weekend while you're enjoying your 5th hotdog and hanging on the lake, take a moment to appreciate the amazing men & women that have given us that ability. 

As our humble little way of saying thanks, we're going to offer an extra 25% off everything in store this weekend for active & former military & their families. Just enter promo code "Soldier" in the offer box, and make the offer at 25% off the current ask and we'll accept. 

Stay safe & enjoy your weekend everyone! 


P.S. We found a nice little silver age collection this week. Mostly VG/FN type reader copies. We'll have them all up and priced by Saturday. If you're looking for a cheap reader copy, here's your chance!