Happy Anniversary (To Us?)

Yes that is correct, 4 years ago today, we sold our VERY FIRST item as "Atlanta Classic Comics".

It wasn't "technically" our first, as we started out selling some grab bags on eBay, some of you may have been around long enough to remember those days. We stopped doing that a couple of years ago because it just became too much & believe it or not, no matter how many times you explain the concept of a grab bag, people still get mad at you when they don't get a Hulk 181 or an AF 15 or something, but I digress.

June 10th is the anniversary of the day that we sold our first non-grab bag item. And while we're on this fun little trip down memory lane, I figured I'd share the listing titles that sold that day (they were awful compared to our current smooth and sleek titles, lol) as well as the prices they sold for. Afterall, who doesn't love having a laugh at someone else's expense. Honestly, the titles themselves weren't awful, but what was being said in them was awful, for us, not for whoever bought them, as they were getting amazing deals. But what did I know, I was a young spry comics pup, but enough babbling, here they are.


Our very first 3 sold listings. from June 10th, 2012.

"Lot of 10 Marvel Civil War Set and related books. NO RESERVE!! Books Are Sharp!!"

Sold price : $51

This one is probably the best, as we sold it for a pretty strong amount for 4 years ago, and we weren't giving away 2 sets or anything. Ironically, I literally just listed a set of CW that we just got tonight. Go figure.

"Lot of 15 INFINITY GAUNTLET comics. 2 FULL SETS. Four issue #1's! Plus Extras!!!"

Sold Price : $56

This one is hard to look at... 2! Full set's, and 4 total # 1's. For $56... ouch. Maybe not "that" bad for 4 years ago, but I'd think retail on something similar would be around $250ish today, so that's pretty bad. 

"Lot of 43 SECRET WARS 1 &2 comics. 2 FULL SETS of SW1. TWO SW1 issue #8's!!!!!!"

Sold Price : $99.12

Again, OUCH. 2 full sets of secret wars one, probably should have gone for at least double that, but kids, you've got to earn your online stripes if you're gonna make the big time. At least that's what I'm telling myself right now so I don't feel so bad.


So that was it, our humble beginnings, 3 lousy listings. Did I get tired or something that night? Too lazy to break up the sets? Who knows. We didn't even sell anything else for another week, we thought 7 day auctions were the way to go back then apparently. 

What's even more amazing is I stumbled upon an eBay "limits" email from that same week in 2012, saying "CONGRATULATIONS!" "You can now sell up to 200 items in one month...." Wow... thanks guys! 200 items in a month is kind of amazing, as we ship out about 350 listings on each Monday alone. But you have to start somewhere!

Which brings me to this, we, I, owe a MASSIVE THANK YOU! To each and everyone of you that have made "this" possible. I know you hear people say this all the time, but we literally couldn't have done it without you. You guys have single-handedly made us a top 10 online comics retailer (I think # 5 on ebay), and we'll make sure we never forget that you brought us here.

We'll keep seeking out the hard to find stuff and keep bringing it to you at consistently lower prices than the other guys. And MOST importantly, we'll make sure that our service and packaging continue to be what you love most about ACC. We'll keep our response times on offers low, keep our shipping turn around time at 1 biz day, and keep that world class customer service at the forefront of our minds each and every day.

Here's to another 4 more great years!

Now go buy some comics! And check out this week's Father's Day Sale Post Below for details on how to save a bundle this weekend!

Thanks again!
