All Kinds Of BIG News!

I'm aware that you're mostly tuning in to our weekly offering for the latest and greatest in sweet deals, and we certainly have those for you this week. However, right at the start, I wanted to break some BIG ACC news. We recently welcomed a new team member named Henry Hanks. The most nerdy among you, may already be familiar with Mr. Hanks work as he wrote for CNN for 10+ years covering comics & general "nerd-dom", has conducted countless interviews with tons of people you know and love, and he's also wrote for SyFy. 

So needless to say, it's a coup for us and our lowly website to be able to offer you guys insight and writings from someone so accomplished in the field. Henry will be writing weekly reviews/opinion pieces for, as well as managing our social media platforms. 

Side note, if you're not already following us on Instagram (@atlantaclassiccomics), he's running a daily extra % off of one book EVERY DAY, so make sure you're checking those out to save even more on stuff you're going to buy anyway.

We're more than thrilled to have a bonifide "journalist" working at ACC, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy the new content.

Now, I promised some deals.... is running another 50+ of our listings at $0.01 auctions. They started this past Monday, and will end this coming Monday (28th). Below are some of the prices that the auctions ended at last week.

Uncanny X-Men # 101 $28.5

Captain America #117 $59.88

Iron Man # 282 $5.5

 Marvel Super Heroes # 18 $25

Amazing Spider-Man # 50 $33.5


And we're doing it again! 50+ more listings are up right now, many still currently slated to sell at LESS than $1.00.

You guys are our core buyer base, consider this our early Christmas present to you, don't let the inherent "Hip" customers scoop all these up, go grab some for yourselves! (Link Below)

Last but not least. you know it wouldn't be an ACC email with out beautiful high quality free pictures of books that are coming to the site in the near future, so here you go!

Have a great weekend everybody!
